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Adam Van Wie: Fee-Only Planning Done Right

The difference between “Fee-Only” and “Fee-Based” financial planning is like night and day or apples and oranges. With your non-annuity assets, you need to ensure you are using “Fee-Only” because that advisor’s interests align with yours. That’s the pure definition of what a fiduciary should be. They are always thinking about you. They are always putting themselves in your seat. They always put your financial goals at the forefront of every recommendation and decision. That’s what you need with it comes to financial planning. That’s what you are going to get with Adam Van Wie.
It was great having Adam back on the podcast to discuss the current market and global environment. As you have come to expect from me, I’m not scripted, and every Fun With Annuities program is a factual free for all. As you listen to the podcast, you will hear that Adam and I covered many topics that will help you navigate the current financial landscape.
Adam Van Wie is a Certified Financial Planner™ professional and the Chief Operating Officer of Van Wie Financial. He also co-hosts the Van Wie Financial Hour radio program, heard every Saturday morning from 10:00 to 11:00 on Jacksonville’s WBOB radio, 101.1 FM and 600 AM. I encourage you to check that out, and I’m an occasional guest with Adam as well.
Van Wie Financial offers clients comprehensive financial planning, issue-based consulting, and asset allocation and management services. Before his financial advisory career, Adam worked for several Fortune 500 companies in finance, sales, consulting, and management jobs. His pedigree is impressive, to say the least.
Adam received his undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tulane University with a minor in Business Administration and his MBA from Emory University. I actually think Mechanical Engineering is a good foundation for financial planning. Attention to detail, anyone?
He is also a member of the National Financial Planning Association (FPA) and a previous president of the Board of Directors of the Financial Planning Association of Northeast Florida. In addition, Adam is a member of the National Association of Personal Financial Planners (NAPFA) and the XY Planning Network (XYNP). He’s deadly serious about his chosen profession and passionate about being the best. That should be what you are looking for, in my opinion.
Adam is a native of Wisconsin and moved to Florida in 1992 with his family. He has a wife, Jessica, and two young children and currently lives in Jacksonville Beach. Outside of work, you will frequently find Adam surfing, watching his children’s soccer games, and enjoying the outdoors in beautiful Northeast Florida. I encourage you to contact Adam. You won’t regret it.
Fun With Annuities Podcast is hosted by America’s Annuity Agent®, Stan Haithcock, The Annuity Man®. Hear brutal annuity facts with no sales pitches from the top independent agent in the country, licensed in all 50 states. Author of 7 books, Stan dives deep on all annuity types and strategies. It’s fun, learning the contractual truths on how annuities actually work and if they’ll fit your personal retirement lifestyle.
Listen in on how you can be livin’ the reality, not the dream. Listen and subscribe on Libsyn, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, and Spotify.