
Jason Fichtner: Understanding a Changing Retirement Landscape (TAM Classic)

In retirement we're not trying to maximize returns, we're trying to minimize risks - ensure that I have enough income to last for the rest of my life.
John Olsen: Annuity Royalty Shares Wisdom (TAM Classic)

John Olsen: Annuity Royalty Shares Wisdom (TAM Classic)

These are investments to a degree, but most annuities are risk management tools. There are a few things you can do with risks: assume it, remove it, reduce it, or transfer it.
Dana Anspach: Juicing Your Retirement Plan (TAM Classic)

Dana Anspach: Juicing Your Retirement Plan (TAM Classic)

People are so focused on accumulating assets, which is relatively easy compared to the math you have to solve when you start drawing money out.
David Blanchett: Retirement Income Investing in a Low Yield World (TAM Classic)

David Blanchett: Retirement Income Investing in a Low Yield World (TAM Classic)

The best thing you can do is to make 'easy buttons' and a way to enjoy retirement where you're not stressed out all the time when the market goes down.
Roger Whitney: How To Rock Your Retirement (TAM Classic)

Roger Whitney: How To Rock Your Retirement (TAM Classic)

The majority of planning which feeds the mindset of this very uncertain world is always gonna default to denying today, and that’s not right because tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone. You gotta be a good steward.
Steve Parrish: Rational and Phased Retirement Planning (TAM Classic)

Steve Parrish: Rational and Phased Retirement Planning (TAM Classic)

Retirement is not just an event, it’s a change in life. Think of the behavioral and emotional aspects of it, not just the money. But when it comes to money, keep these three things in mind: your social security, medicare, and your benefit pension plan.
Gary Baker: The Growth of Group and Fee-Based Annuities

Gary Baker: The Growth of Group and Fee-Based Annuities

Financial advisors should know all the tools available, and then, depending upon the client’s specific situation, feel comfortable and put in the right spot that's in their best interest and the right thing to do.
Jamie Hopkins: Retirement Planning And The Why That Makes You Cry (TAM Classic)

Jamie Hopkins: Retirement Planning And The Why That Makes You Cry (TAM Classic)

Would you give up all your money if it means that you’ll be happy for the rest of your life? Most people would say yes - that’s what we’re aiming for. Dollars are a means to an end.
Marcia Mantell: Cookin' Up Your Retirement Plan

Marcia Mantell: Cookin' Up Your Retirement Plan

The key to financial success in retirement, in my humble opinion, is not what products you have or how great your investment strategy is. It's knowing how much you spend.
Andy Panko: Financial Planning Demystified and Unemotional (TAM Classic)

Andy Panko: Financial Planning Demystified and Unemotional (TAM Classic)

Most people can do accumulation well; it’s the decumulation where things get a little more tactical and complicated.
Terry Savage: The Savage Truth For Your Money in 2024

Terry Savage: The Savage Truth For Your Money in 2024

There is one annuity that you might have that will keep up with inflation and it’s called Social Security.
Christine Benz: Avoiding Blind Spots in Your Retirement Portfolio Planning (TAM Classic)

Christine Benz: Avoiding Blind Spots in Your Retirement Portfolio Planning (TAM Classic)

If you're looking for something that will zig when your stocks zag, you probably want to ensure that your portfolio includes that cash and treasury bonds.
Chuck Jaffe: Top Money & Life Topics for 2024

Chuck Jaffe: Top Money & Life Topics for 2024

Keep in perspective where money is supposed to be. You didn't make it to save it. You didn't make it to be buried. The richest man in the graveyard is not the happiest man before he got there.
Stan The Annuity Man: The Annuity Man Predictions for 2024

Stan The Annuity Man: The Annuity Man Predictions for 2024

If you're in chapter two of your life in retirement, I want you to maximize the day. I want you to start structuring your day for fun and for relaxation and for reflection.
Tom Hegna: Don't Worry, Retire Happy! (TAM Classic)

Tom Hegna: Don't Worry, Retire Happy! (TAM Classic)

They found that the happiest people in retirement were those people who were surrounded by their families and friends, and had guaranteed paychecks every single month.