Shootin’ It Straight with Stan®
January 22, 2025
Building a Pension from Scratch: Shootin' It Straight With Stan
Today's topic is creating your own pension. Yes, I'm talking to you, the person out there who doesn't have a pension, or the person who has a pension and wants more money, or all of you who already have a pension called Social Security.
January 15, 2025
When Annuitization Becomes the Final Choice: Shootin' It Straight with Stan
I'm your host, Stan, The Annuity Man. Today's topic is: When Annuitization Becomes the Final Choice. Let me explain that to you. Most people, incorrectly, and even some advisors and financial journals, think that annuities are only one type—lifetime income or Immediate Annuity.
Shootin’ It Straight with Stan®
January 8, 2025
Strategic Retirement Planning Using Annuities Shootin’ It Straight With Stan
Today's topic is strategic retirement planning using annuities. For many of you out there, you might be asking, "Wait a minute, are you a certified...?" No, I'm Stan The Annuity Man.