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Watch this video to know more about the pros and cons of annuities, especially about the bad chicken dinner sales pitch!

Income Down the Road

Stan Haithcock
Stan Haithcock
February 8, 2025

If you are approaching retirement and ready to enjoy the fruits of your labor, you will need a solid income plan. If you want to make sure you and your spouse have the income you need for life, check out this week's Shootin' It Straight With Stan: 4 Paths To Income Later. You may think retirement is about having enough assets, which is only partially true because, at some point, you will need to turn those assets into income.

An annuity isn't for you if you want growth and market risk doesn't scare you. Check out this week's video, Mutual Funds Versus Annuities. An annuity's goal isn't to beat the market—it is to give you principal protection or to guarantee a portion of your income. Annuities provide longevity risk and give you peace of mind because no matter how long you live, that paycheck will keep hitting your bank account.

To ensure you have income later, you can use a DIA (Deferred Income Annuity) or an income rider. Check out this week's Q&A Friday: Income Riders Versus Deferred Income Annuities to learn more about their differences.

Annuities aren't about market speculation or chasing returns—they're about guarantees and assuring you have the income you need later. When it comes to retirement, guarantees matter. Retirement isn't about hope—it's about knowing, and annuities can help you guarantee your income. If you would like an annuity quote, book a call with my team.

Here for You Now and Later,
