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057: The best time to shop long-term care with Jack Lenenberg

About Fun With Annuities Episode #57
Tap, tap. Testing, testing . . . Turn up the volume for this week's Fun With Annuities celebrity co-host, THE Long-term care pro - Jack Lenenberg He's founder and president of LTC PARTNER and recognized as the top Long Term Care expert in the U.S.
Not only is Jack the recognized thought leader in the Long Term Care space, but he has a law degree as well. Talk about a pro-consumer combination and one-of-a-kind credentials. Wowza. For years, anytime one of my clients has inquired about LTC, I refer them to Jack without hesitation. Jack shares, "The best time to look into long term care is when you are concerned about it and are healthy enough to qualify."
You will love this podcast because Jack "peels back the LTC onion" and explains the products and strategies you need to be aware of and how they work. His to-the-point and straightforward approach concerning LTC are both educational and entertaining.
Skip the bad chicken dinner; Jack's appearance on Fun With Annuities serves up all you need to know if you have LTC or if you're considering it as part of your retirement plan. Pencils up.
Bio Celebrity Co-host: Jack Lenenberg
Government studies show you have a 70% chance of needing care at some point in your life. And contrary to what you might believe, private health insurance and Medicare will not cover your costs.
Jack Lenenberg is the guy I go to when my clients have questions about long-term care because I know he is truly independent and unbiased and committed to giving people transparent access to costs and benefits.
In 2011-2021 Jack Lenenberg is ranked as the #1 producer in the United States for hybrid long term care insurance sales (Life + Long Term Care) as well as a Top 10 producer in the United States for traditional LTC insurance sales by the American Association for Long Term Care Insurance.
Jack Lenenberg is the only producer in the United States that achieved a Top 10 national sales ranking for both types of long-term care insurance policies. He's the guy that helps you sleep at night knowing you have planned ahead. Check out his company, Long Term Care Insurance Partner, and his informative blog Long term care insurance partner blog.
In This Episode:
- The environment, products, and solutions in long term care currently available.
- The 6 daily functions of life and how they affect long term care.
- The best time to look into and apply for long term care.
- The answers to common questions that Jack is asked by customers.
Key Takeaways:
- Your long term care does not need to be permanent. It just needs your doctor to sign off that you need care for at least 90 days.
- There has been a shift to fixed and guaranteed policies to accommodate what people are looking for with their policies.
- Traditional long term care underwriters are leaving the field. Hybrid long term care providers are more prevalent, and are growing.
Fun With Annuities® Podcast is hosted by America’s Annuity Agent®, Stan Haithcock, The Annuity Man®. Hear brutal annuity facts with no sales pitches from the top independent agent in the country, licensed in all 50 states. Author of 7 books, Stan dives deep on all annuity types and strategies. It’s fun, learning the contractual truths on how annuities actually work and if they’ll fit your personal retirement lifestyle.
Listen in on how you can be livin’ the reality, not the dream®. Listen and subscribe on Libsyn, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, and Spotify.