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062 Bob Carlson: Unlocking the Secrets of Social Security and Your Retirement Plan

About Fun With Annuities Episode #62
If you were looking for a retirement guru who also happens to be the best Social Security expert on the planet. . .you just found him.
Fun With Annuities Podcast #62 has no other than, Bob Carlson. He’s the founder of the popular retirement newsletter “Retirement Watch.” If you don’t already subscribe, stop what you are doing and go sign up. You can thank me later.
Bob is one of the most respected thought leaders in the country when it comes to the retirement category. His qualifications and pedigree are unmatched.
This podcast is fantastic because Bob covers the new legislation in DC that can and will affect your retirement planning. He also dives headfirst into Social Security strategies that you need to be aware of as well as commenting on current markets and the cryptocurrency craze. He gets into, "Even though social security is probably going to run out of money faster than it would have, that doesn’t mean there isn’t going to be a social security fund or a social security program."
Time goes by fast when smart people are making the complex very simple and easy to understand. That’s the communication gift that Bob has and now he is my gift to you. Enjoy the podcast.
Brief Bio on Co-host Bob Carlson:
I have been a fan of Bob’s for years because he is always trying to give investors the straight goods on how their retirement will be impacted by regulatory and legislative changes. He is a constant champion for retirees. In addition to being editor of the Retirement Watch newsletter I mentioned, Bob has a monthly video series Retirement Watch Spotlight, and the weekly free e-letter Retirement Watch Weekly. Bob is also the Founder of The Center for Retirement Security, a research and collaboration vehicle for retirement finances, investments, taxes, and estate planning. As the educational arm of Retirement Watch, the Center for Retirement Security offers retirees and pre-retirees the tools they need to survive and even thrive the changing landscape of retirement planning.
His latest book is Where’s My Money: Secrets to Getting the Most out of Your Social Security (Regnery Capital:2021) and it talks about the biggest retirement mistake we can make – not taking full advantage of your Social Security benefits. It’s a mistake that almost every retiree makes. Bob has written many books over the years and has been interviewed by all of the top financial publications. You can also follow him of the Retirement Watch Twitter page
You thought I was done? Nope. Bob is an attorney and has also passed the CPA Exam. He received his J.D. and an M.S. (Accounting) from the University of Virginia and received his B.S. (Financial Management) from Clemson University.
And just to pile on…he also is an instrument rated private pilot.
In This Episode:
- How the COVID19 pandemic has affected retirement plans.
- The Retirement Watch newsletter and how it can help you.
- What DC is doing that can affect retirement.
- Inflation and adding inflation hedges to your portfolio.
Key Takeaways:
- While the focus of retirement planning is on the financial side, that is the least important side of your retirement planning. Knowing what you’re going to do in retirement is vital.
- You need to keep up with changes and revise your retirement plan as necessary.
- The social security trust fund got hit on both ends during the 2020 year which could change when the trust fund runs out of money.
- Each year you delay taking social security, it increases 8% tax free.
Fun With Annuities® Podcast is hosted by America’s Annuity Agent®, Stan Haithcock, The Annuity Man®. Hear brutal annuity facts with no sales pitches from the top independent agent in the country, licensed in all 50 states. Author of 7 books, Stan dives deep on all annuity types and strategies. It’s fun, learning the contractual truths on how annuities actually work and if they’ll fit your personal retirement lifestyle.
Listen in on how you can be livin’ the reality, not the dream®. Listen and subscribe on Libsyn, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, and Spotify.