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Master Annuity Calculators with These Tips
Hi there. Stan The Annuity Man, America's Annuity Agent, licensed in all 50 states and the top independent agent in the country. I'm proud of that because we are helping people. We are helping people make sound, informed, factual decisions on all annuity types.
Today's topic is a very good one. It's about mastering annuity calculators with secrets and tips from Stan The Annuity Man of all people. So, we're going to go over all of the calculators, all the ones that we offer on our site at The Annuity Man, and I'm going to give you my secrets and tips.
Annuity Calculators at The Annuity Man
If you go to The Annuity Man, the best annuity site on the planet, we're always trying to improve it. We have the IT people, the marketing people, and the smart people that surround Stan The Annuity Man and make me look good. They're always listening to you, the consumer, and making it pro-consumer and easy for you.
Choosing the Right Calculator
Before you start with the annuity calculators, the question you have is, which one do I use? Good question. I'm glad you asked. There are two questions that you need to answer to get you there. The two questions are: what do you want the money to contractually do, and when do you want those contractual guarantees to start? If the answer to the first question, "What do you want the money to contractually do?" is income, and "When do you want it to start?" is immediately, you're going to go to the Single Premium Immediate Annuity (SPIA) calculator.
Using the SPIA Calculator
When you go there, you're going to put in confidential, non-shared information. Our site's information is private; we do not share or use it. We respect your privacy, but we want you to be able to run quotes 24/7/365. With Immediate Annuity quotes, you're going to put in your name, date of birth, state of residence, and the amount of money you want to solve for, etc. You can also reverse-engineer a quote or include a spouse for joint lifetime income. By the way, with Immediate Annuities, you can use them in an IRA account, a non-IRA account, or a Roth IRA account.
Addressing Misconceptions
When advisors or experts say never use an annuity inside an IRA, it's garbage. It's complete and total garbage. You can use annuities inside of an IRA for the contractual guarantee. With a Single Premium Immediate Annuity, lifetime income is an option.
Structuring SPIA
There are many ways to run and structure a Single Premium Immediate Annuity. The quotes on our site include life-only and life with cash refund. If you want to see more options or customize a quote, schedule a call, and we'll dig in deep. So, that's the first one: Single Premium Immediate Annuity.
Income Riders and Deferred Income Annuities
If you need income to start later, 4-10 years down the road, that's an income-later quote. It involves two primary types: Income Riders attached to Indexed Annuities or Variable Annuities. Disclaimer: we don't sell Variable Annuities. We found that Income Riders attached to Fixed Index Annuities are more competitive.
Understanding Income Riders
Income Riders are attached at the time of application. Imagine a line down the middle of a page: the index accumulation value side creates CD or MYGA-type returns, and the Income Rider determines the income amount to the penny at a future date. It's a separate calculation. On your statement, you'll see accumulation value and income value. At the time of this blog, we're developing the best Income Rider calculator. If you're watching this later, you may have already used it.
Deferred Income Annuity
A Deferred Income Annuity is for income that starts later. It's the sister product of the SPIA, with no market attachments or annual fees. You can set it up as single life or joint life and choose the income start date, knowing to the penny what the income stream will be. It's essential to talk to us at The Annuity Man to filter the product types.
Fixed Indexed Annuities and MYGAs
If you want principal protection to start now, there are two products: Fixed Indexed Annuities and Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities (MYGAs). Our calculators let you punch in Fixed Indexed Annuity information, though you won't get a live result. Income Rider quotes will be live on our site, depending on when you read this blog.
MYGA Live Rates
For MYGAs, you can see live rates on our site. Enter your state and the duration you want to lock in for the interest rate, and you'll see the top yields for your state. MYGAs are regulated and issued at the state level. You can see the top rates and options like peeling off interest or taking out 10% penalty-free.
With all of our calculators, your information is confidential. You can run quotes at your leisure. If you want to engage and schedule a call with us, you can certainly do that.
Thank you for joining me, Stan The Annuity Man, and I'll see you next time.